
Will robot take my job?

Will robot take my job?

Will robot take my job?
Somebody asked me recently if RPA is going to kill SSC. The reason we love technology is because it gives us additional choices. Technology means abundance of new opportunities for people. It can be your new app that helps you find a trip or your smart TV that lets you play on it. It can be your car that drives for you while you read.
The same is with RPA and bots. We implement it in organizations not to make people do less but to let people do more. We do it to be able to help people to do things quicker, better or just smarter. Bots combined with a talented and skilled employee will give him or her a big advantage at work at speed, accuracy or agility at selection of tasks to do.
R.Solow was awarded a Nobel price simply by proving that working smarter is better than working harder. And technology helps with that. So be smart and make bots work with you!
Irek Miski
Please contact us when you want to fit your people and organization with intelligent tools to gain advantage