
How to prepare your business for next wave of Covid – 19


How to prepare your business for next wave of Covid – 19

Doctors and experts around the world warn about expected next wave of Covid-19 in Autumn 2020 or even Spring 2021.
Limitations put by governments on businesses and societies early in 2020 had significant impact on economy and people.

Companies, whose business models were supported by digitalization and RPA during pandemic performed way better than their competitors running operations in more traditional way.

Working with our customers, we clearly see that RPA is able to take over 40-60% of routine and daily tasks performed by people. In accounting, purchases, sales and customer service. New processes powered and supported by bots, currently run practically as if there was no pandemics. Bots perform tasks as designed, and people simply control bots from home, exactly as they did from their office desks before. Implementation of RPA practically eliminated risk of sudden loss of personnel, which was needed to carry out key tasks.

If you would like to know more about our solutions we are happy to talk to you