
Tailor made robot….


Tailor made robot....

Process automation is becoming more and more common, both in large corporations as well as in smaller enterprises. Robots are at its best and COVID-19 proved and made entrepreneurs aware of the need to automate activities and tasks.
The RPA market is growing dynamically, platform providers are outdoing themselves in availability, functionality and prices of their solutions. By design, every RPA platform is able to design a robot in DIY fashion, regardless of the complexity of the process or task. This can be compared to approach when one pair of trousers fits all types of figures. Meanwhile, processes and tasks are varied, some are short and easy, and some can be as complicated as a spiders web. Based on our experience it often turns out that the approach of large platform providers, one size fits all, does not work in practice. Robots should be tailored to fit the silhouette. 😊
Platform supporters maybe outraged by the statement above and argue that this comparison is inadequate to reality, but process automation should be a reflection of the company's operations and policies. The greater the flexibility of robots, the greater the chance of their effective use in processes. Just like elastic, stretchy pants seem to match, but nevertheless uncomfortable, highlighting some shortcomings of the figure.
On the top of it, when using large platforms, it is difficult to equip the robot with internal intelligence (algorithm) that will allow it to logically change the way the robot works, depending on the various cases the robot encounters in its work.
Large platforms providers say, we will give you materials and you do it yourself. But to sew new trousers you need more than just scissors and needle.
Isn't it better to go to a reputable tailor who will tailor the pants to the client? At SNTE, we use an approach where we are the tailor and use our materials to sew a robot that is perfectly fitted to the process and the use of robots will be convenient and easy for the user.


Reasons for failures in RPA projects


Reasons for failures in RPA projects

RPA becomes the key element of digital business transformation. After Covid 19, according to latest Gartner study 24% of CFOs will invest more into RPA than before.
Seems like RPA may become the main remedy for finance transformation problems in response to post Covid 19 world. However at the same time one of EY reports indicates that as many as 30-50% of RPA projects fail due to common mistakes. We don't see as many failures at SNTE as EY indicates, but we do recognize frequent issues in delivery of RPA projects.

Based on our experience the main following issues come up as main reasons for failures.

1. Lack of proper selection of processes and task for automation
Before implementation of any RPA solution a throughout review of processes should be carried out to make sure which tasks and why those tasks are selected to be optimised by RPA.
We often found that sometimes it may be easier to update or slightly change a process to achieve similar result as if RPA had been implemented.
Company needs to have a long term vision how RPA will fit in its structure and processes to maximize the advantages of it.

2. Lack of involvement of IT
IT and business need to be both involved and understand how RPA will benefit the company as a whole.
Business needs the support from IT to make sure that relevant accesses or other IT assets are made available on time and how RPA fits in overall IT strategy, including security issues.
IT technical expertise and data security competence in particular, knowledge of the current IT infrastructure, or the testing or maintenance capabilities, are just some of the reasons why IT needs to be involved from the start.

3. Forgetting about involvement of people
Bots are a tool to help people work better, faster, more accurately etc.
Sometimes it may seem that bots are able to replace people and we tend to forget that people are the key element of the whole process.
If employees are afraid that bots would take their jobs they may hinder the change make the whole process much more difficult.
It is important that people understand that teaming up with bots will accellerate their jobs, help them work more accurately and let them focus on value added tasks that needs decission making rather than processing of things.

Please contact us when you want to fit your people and organization with intelligent tools to gain advantage


Will robot take my job?

Will robot take my job?

Will robot take my job?
Somebody asked me recently if RPA is going to kill SSC. The reason we love technology is because it gives us additional choices. Technology means abundance of new opportunities for people. It can be your new app that helps you find a trip or your smart TV that lets you play on it. It can be your car that drives for you while you read.
The same is with RPA and bots. We implement it in organizations not to make people do less but to let people do more. We do it to be able to help people to do things quicker, better or just smarter. Bots combined with a talented and skilled employee will give him or her a big advantage at work at speed, accuracy or agility at selection of tasks to do.
R.Solow was awarded a Nobel price simply by proving that working smarter is better than working harder. And technology helps with that. So be smart and make bots work with you!
Irek Miski
Please contact us when you want to fit your people and organization with intelligent tools to gain advantage


Steps in effective RPA implementation


Steps in effective RPA implementation

Steps in effective RPA implementation

There are several steps that usually need to be performed in order to implement first bot in your company:

1. Identify tasks that are susceptible to automation: rule based, high volume, prone to human errors
2. Estimate cost of tasks identified (this will help to understand benefits of bots)
3. Ensure management has a buy in and expect resistance from the people that currently perform selected tasks
4. Understand how relevant task fit in the process
5. Review process (maybe you don’t need to automate task but simply improve or change the process)
6. Choose RPA provider (could also happen as step 1, assuming provider will help to perform next steps)
7. Develop and test bot. Pilots often help to have a buy in from the team but nowadays less and less important as RPA becomes more common
8. Maintain the bot
9. Have a bots exit strategy. Sometimes bots become obsolete if process changes and it is more expensive to update bot rather than re-involve people

Please contact us when you want to fit your people and organization with intelligent tools to gain advantage.


How to prepare your business for next wave of Covid – 19


How to prepare your business for next wave of Covid – 19

Doctors and experts around the world warn about expected next wave of Covid-19 in Autumn 2020 or even Spring 2021.
Limitations put by governments on businesses and societies early in 2020 had significant impact on economy and people.

Companies, whose business models were supported by digitalization and RPA during pandemic performed way better than their competitors running operations in more traditional way.

Working with our customers, we clearly see that RPA is able to take over 40-60% of routine and daily tasks performed by people. In accounting, purchases, sales and customer service. New processes powered and supported by bots, currently run practically as if there was no pandemics. Bots perform tasks as designed, and people simply control bots from home, exactly as they did from their office desks before. Implementation of RPA practically eliminated risk of sudden loss of personnel, which was needed to carry out key tasks.

If you would like to know more about our solutions we are happy to talk to you